Ecover Expert

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Sharing 3 Simple Tips to Create Catchy Ecover Designs

Importance of good ecover designs cannot be stressed enough. Contrary to usual belief, creating an ecover is not very difficult, particularly with help of ecover template. The online marketers are not unaware of the fact that the target buyers always gather more than 90% of information through their eyes.
Consider yourself as a buyer. What will influence your purchase decision? It is the outlook of the product that convinces you to buy. The situation is no different when it comes to digital products. While buying a product online, people always look for engaging visuals. If they are impressed, most of them waste no time to open their wallet.
You may not be in favor of expanding your budget by hiring a designer but at the same time, you don’t like taking the risk of designing it on your own. There is a way for people like you. There is a great variety of ecover templates for your selection. A wider range of software like ecover generator, ecover creators and Photoshop action scripts etc is also available to help you with ecover designing.
This write-up details three wonderful tips regarding how to create attractive ecover designs so that the prospective buyers are encouraged to purchase your product or download your book.
Be careful while selecting images
Select those images that can best capture the message of your product. Make it sure that the pictures and products are relevant. Good use of colors creates lasting impression but too many colors mars the look. Perform the necessary editing works like image cropping, resizing, color changing, transformation etc. Also check quality of your images. If you are using high-quality images, those will look good on your ecover.

Select informative & relevant text
We can divide the texts into two most important segments – title and USP of the product in question. It needs no mention that title is the most crucial part of ecover designs. It is better to keep the title short and crispy. The title must be little descriptive about your product. It should be placed on top of the ecover templates.
For the title, you can use special font or bigger font size that will be a good match for your product. There are a number of websites from where you can download fonts at free of cost. Choose special effects like embossing, shadow adding etc to create a more professional look for the digital cover of your product.
USP plays a role to convince your target visitors as to how your product is different from others. You must highlight those points that are unique about your product. Add bulleted texts for the list of unique selling points and choose simple fonts for this section. The best is to use left alignment and never make the mistake of aligning the texts at the center. Check if the texts – when used in thumbnail size – are clearly readable and whether images look decent.
Select suitable colors
Before selecting the colors or deciding their suitable combination for your ecover designs, you must be in knowhow of the effects that these colors produce on people. Apart from color choice, you should also decide how much of it to use and which shade you will use in combination with it.

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